
19 Jan 2007

five minutes to midnight...

two days ago the nuclear scientist revealed the minute hand of the doomsday clock has moved two minutes closer to midnight. before, it was seven minutes to midnight.

doomsday clock?
it is a symbolic clock which shows time to destruction by nuclear war (midnight). so, this means, the closer we are to midnight, the closer we stand before nuclear war destruction. this timepiece (see pic below) was first set by the Board Director of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947. ever since, eighteen time has the minute hand of the clock has been moved.

they said that the clock minute's hand moved two minutes because of iran and north korea's interest in enhancing their nuclear programme and most obvious of all, the climate change. europe have seen less (tiny amount) of snow this winter so far. it is already january, and yet no such wintery like weather coming their way.

how far the effect of nuclear weapon (atomic bombs as such..) bring on this climate change is not too clear so far. but we know, how huge the effect of those atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was, and we know that those big powers (we know who they are) have been testing their weaponry for years evenso..

anyway, people can destroy even themselves if they want. that's how stupid mankind could be. whatever. it is not this clock minute or second hand that should worry us. think about this world itself, those natural disaster is even more catastrophic than those power of men. if people forget how powerful God is, he'll show them all. not only for those who disbelieve, but also those believers who didn't do anything to keep this world in harmony.

~it would only be in dreams...when we see all people show their love to this world, share their love to this world, and nurture their love upon themselves~

open our eyes, speak in language of peace, may Allah protects us away from disaster. na'uzubillah...

H- happy new year 1428H to all. may you be blessed throughout this year.

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