28 May 2006
lesson from a drunk
he was remembered said, he didn't think that talking bad about others behind their backs is a good thing. especially when you are talking about your own friends or colleagues.
tommy then stopped the conversation.
tommy is not a muslim and he was drunk. despite his "unconsciousness", he still can differ good and bad value. people say that a person will show their real face when he/she is drunk. if that so, i think i saw tommy's real face.
i still think about my real face (consider others' faces later) ...
thanks tommy. i learnt something from you.
20 May 2006
Surat Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kepada Bush
link : Surat Ahmadinejad kepada Bush
19 May 2006
Thaa Haa
One hot sultry day in the year A.D. 616, Umar buckled his sword and set out to kill the Holy Prophet (peace be on him). In the way, Umar met Nuaim bin Abduilah. He was a friend of Umar. He had been converted to Islam, but Umar did not know of that.
Noticing the dark frowns on his face, Nuaim asked Umar what he was up to. Umar said that he was going to slay Muhammad (peace be on him), and thus vindicate the gods of Ka'bah. Nuaim said! "Beware if you harm Muhammad (peace be on him) you will not be safe from the fury of Banu Hashim. Desist from such a course in your own interest". Umar ejaculated angrily: "It appears you have also become a Muslim." Nuaim said, "Umar, do not bother about me, but take care of your sister and brother-in-law who have been converted to Islam, and who may be reading the Quran at this very moment."
That made Umar pause. Instead of going to the Holy Prophet, he went to the house of his sister. His sister was Fatima and her husband was Saeed bin Zaid. Umar loved his sister. He had never thought that his brother-in-law or his sister would have the audacity to accept Islam. This was news to him. He could not believe it, but he thought it advisable to verify the facts.
As Umar stepped into the house of his sister, he found that both Fatima and her husband were reading the Quran from a leaf. Seeing Umar, his sister hid the leaf. Fatima rose to welcome her brother with a smile. But there was a dark frown on the face of Umar. "What were you reading", he thundered. "Nothing", replied Fatima.
Umar caught his brother-in-law by the throat and said, "So you have apostasised from the faith of your forefathers". Saeed retorted, "Rather we have abandoned falsehood for truth." Thereupon Umar was about to strike Saeed when Fatima intervened saying, "Hands off from my husband. If ypu have anything to say, say it to me, but do not touch my husband." Umar asked, "Is it a fact that you have become Muslims." She replied, "Yes. we have become Muslims. You may kill us if you like, but we will not waver in our faith".
Umar stayed his hands and desired that the leaf from which they had been reading should be shown to him. Fatima said that he could not touch the sacred leaf until he had washed his hands. Umar washed his hands, and the sacred leaf was handed over to him. It was the Sura Thaa Haa. It read:
"Thaa Haa
We have not sent the Qur'an to thee,
To be an occasion for thy distress,
But only as an admonition to those who fear God.
A revelation from Him,
Who created the earth and the heavens on high.
God most gracious,
Is firmly established on the throne of authority.
To Him belongs what is in the heavens and on earth,
And all between them and all beneath the soil.
If thou pronounce the word aloud, it's no matter
For verily He knoweth what is secret
And what is yet hidden.
Verily there is no god but He
To Him belongs the most beautiful names." (Thaa Haa : 1-8)
As Umar read the verses over and over again, he felt as if these verses were addressed to him in person, and the mysterious Thaa Haa referred to Umar-the Man. Umar shuddered with the fear of God, and he felt as if his conscience was upbraiding him, "Umar, how long would you stay away from the path of truth. Has not the time come for you to follow the truth?"
And then Umar resolved that he would lose no time in following the truth. Turning to his sister and brother-in-law he said, "I came to you as an enemy of Islam; I go from you as a friend of Islam. I had buckled this sword to slay the Prophet of Islam; I now go to him to offer him allegiance."
Fatima and Saeed cried "Allah o-Akbar".
The episode has been dramatised by Allama Iqbal in his poem "Secrets of the Self". He has exhorted the Muslim women to be like the sister of Umar. He says:
"O Muslim women;
Out of the evening create a new dazzling morn.
To the true lovers of God,
Recite the Holy Qur'an
And enthusiastically translate
Its spirit into action
Don't vou know that such recitation
Changed altogether Umar's fate."
H- sebuah kisah detik-detik Umar al-Khattab (r.a) memeluk Islam. Umar adalah hero aku sejak kanak-kanak.
12 May 2006
selamat hari ibu
sembilan bulan mengandungkan kita. menyusukan dan membesarkan kita dengan penuh kasih sayang. sentiasa bersusah-payah untuk memenuhi segala kehendak kita. sentiasa tabah walaupun terpaksa bersusah untuk kesempurnaan kita.
tak pernah diminta walau sedikit balasan atas semua yang diberikan pada kita. cukuplah dalam hatinya bila melihat kita berjaya dan gembira. dalam senyumannya tak pernah luput sinar kasih sayang. walau disakiti hatinya tetap dipenuhi hati kita dengan curahan yang sentiasa kita dahagakan. tak pernah kedekut dengan restu dan sentiasa mengiringi kita dengan doanya.
kadangkala kita sakiti hatinya. kadangkala kita ingkar arahannya. dan kadangkala kita susahkan dirinya. namun semua tetap dimaafkannya. tetap didoakannya akan kebaikan kita. tetap tak menggugat kasihnya pada kita.
emak, ibu, bonda, mother, mutter, mama, mummy walau apapun panggilan, tetaplah tempatmu teratas dihati ini. memang tak mampu diri kami membalas segala yang telah kau berikan pada kami. namun dirimu takkan kami lupakan. takkan kami sia-siakan.
akan ku berusaha untuk membahagiakanmu. akan ku jaga dirimu. akan ku kasihimu, sayangimu sepenuh kasih sayang ini. kerana tempat mu tetap tempat yang teratas dalam hati ini. restumu sentiasa kupohon. dengannya insyaAllah akan menerangi hidup ini. dan dibawah tapak kakimu syurgaku.
terima kasih buat insan yang dipanggil emak. anakmu ini sentiasa menyayangimu...
H - 14 Mei ni Hari IBU. Selamat Hari Ibu buat semua Ibu-ibu di seluruh dunia.
8 May 2006
it is not only your problem
the charisma, the character, the look, the brain, the behaviour, the mind, the ideas, the ability also belong to you.
every single thing you do is your problem. good things, bad things ... they're your problem.
why should other people bother about your things ? it's true ... your things are your things. we will die and go into our own grave when we die.
there's no doubt about freedom. people can do what they want and it's their problem if they do good things or bad things. i also understand the word freedom.
but don't we ever forget that in some way, we influence other through our behaviour, our words, our opinion,our style and way of life.
we should realise that it was us who smoke and made our little brothers and sisters find it cool and do the same things like we do and damaging their lungs.
it was us who put away our tudung, coloured our hair and nails, wore inappropriate clothings and make other people loves them and try to be the same way that we are.
it would be damn sweet if we in such a way influenced people to do good things as simple as respect the elderly, love our family and do some charity.
so every single line of people, especially those prominent figure in public, be responsible and always act accordingly. because this world we live actually means this world we share. your problem is not only yours, it's us too...