
27 Apr 2006

3 hari

Hidup kita ini cuma dalam tiga hari :

  1. Semalam - Sudah menjadi sejarah
  2. Hari ini - Sedang kita lalui
  3. Esok - Hari yang belum pasti

Hisablah hari pertama semoga hari yang kedua kita lebih baik dari hari yang pertama.
Jangan mengharap hari yang ketiga kerana mungkin ajal kita pada hari yang kedua.

H- nasihat buat diriku jua. tiada siapa selain Allah yang boleh menjamin nafasku walau sesaat selepas ini.

25 Apr 2006

a nice day

Cologne-Klettenberg, 22 April : Sebuah lagi hari yang indah buat pasukan SGMRU (Lions) dan Mangsa Tsunami. Tahniah diucapkan. Buat semua crew MGSS Rugby 2006 - Satay Night Fever terima kasih serta tahniah atas titik peluh anda. Kepada semua pengunjung serta hadirin sokongan anda amat dihargai.

Mangsa Tsunami


Untuk gambar-gambar yang lebih menarik hasil tangkapan yabok, yeop, yusree, sudin dan muncung sila layari or pergi sendiri ke fotopages mereka.

Berikut adalah pemenang-pemenang pada hari tersebut :

Annual North-South Match : SGMRU Lions

Touch Rugby Tournament:

Cup : Mangsa Tsunami

Plate : Tazmanian Devil RC

Bowl : Bayern Jokers

Jumpa lagi di tahun hadapan

12 Apr 2006

April Wetter

It's aready April the 12th. Still, people can see snow outside their windows. One guy found here also make a hypothesis, there's no summer or even spring this year. Yeah, maybe next year we'll have summer for the whole year.

People here said, it's April, he brings whatever he wants. They called this kind of weather "April Wetter".

We too can say, everything is in the hand of Allah. He can do whatever he wants. Masya Allah.

All pictures were taken on the 10th of April, in Sigmaringen

10 Apr 2006

12 Rabi'ul Awal

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Muhammad s.a.w was born in She'eb Banu Hashim in Makkah. It was a Monday morning in spring, the ninth day of Rabi' Al- Awwal (according to some sources it was twelfth of Rabi' Al-Awwal), to fifty-five days after Abraha's failed attack on Ka'abah. In Arabic, the word elephant is "Feel" and hence the year came to be known as 'Amm Al-Feel (the year of the Elephant). In the Gregorian calendar, the date cprresponds to April 22, 571 C.E

While Aminah was pregnant, she had a dream that a light was emitted from her lower body that illuminated the palaces of Syria. When she went into labor, Shifa bint Amr, the mother of Abdul Rahman bin Auf, served as midwife. Abdul Muttalib received the news of his grandson's birth with joy. He took the newborn to the Ka'abah and invoked Allah's blessing and gave thanks.

Believing his grandson would grow up to be highly praised, Abdul Muttalib named him Muhammad, which means " he who is praised ".

from When the Moon split ( A biography of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w) - Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri, Darussalam Publications
* * *

H- salawat buat baginda s.a.w . manusia Agung. kekasih Allah.

9 Apr 2006

2 hari lagi

Abu Talib said this following words in describing his beloved nephew :

"He is fair and handsome. From his visage, mercy falls like rain.
He is shelter for the orphans and a protector of widows."

4 Apr 2006

gembira bertemu kamu...

2 wajah dan budaya yang berbeza. satu laluan yang sama. hala tuju berbeza.

perspektif dan visi bertemu. disitu ada tercetus kesamaan antara mereka. tak terlihat oleh mata yang memandang.

reaksi telahpun bercerita sebelum lidah berkata-kata.

".....selamat berkenalan, gembira bertemu kamu ".

* * *

adakalanya sedikit persamaan itu lebih signifikan berbanding selautan perbezaan

Dari Abu Hurairah r. a., dari Nabi saw., sabdanya,Allah swt. akan memberikan naungan kepada tujuh golongan manusia pada hari kiamat, di mana tidak ada naungan ketika itu kecuali naungan Allah :

1. Imam (pemimpin) yang adil.

2. Pemuda yang terdidik/terlatih sejak kecil dalam menyembah Allah.

3. Seseorang yang hatinya terpaut di masjid.

4. Dua orang yang bertemu kerana Allah; kasih sesama sendiri kerana Allah dan berpisah kerana Allah.

5. Seorang lelaki yang dirayu untuk berbuat keji oleh seorang wanita yang cantik, lantas ia menolak dengan berkata "Aku takut kepada Allah".

6. Seorang yang bersedekah dengan sembunyi-sembunyi, sehingga tangan kirinya tidak tahu apa yang telah diberikan oleh tangan kanannya.

7. Seorang yang mengingat Allah waktu bersunyi-sunyi, lantas meleleh air matanya.

H - Semoga hala tuju mereka akan sama satu hari nanti...

1 Apr 2006

learning a physics lecturer (part 2)

and those clever students answered question well ...

actually the thing that matters was just that the physiscs lecturer called his bright students mathematicians instead of physicist. there was nothing so special that those students can answer the question since the were bright and clever.

if we were to go through definitions, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a mathematician is a specialist or expert in mathematics and physicist is a noun for specialist in physics.

let's go back to the situation...

a physics lecturer, surely he was teaching physiscs, called his students mathematicians. But why in this beautiful world (masya Allah), didn't he called them physicists ?

... think a little bit further ...

pic : a quantum physics equation